A foggy cold morning waiting for the train to Sydney today.

Traveling by train to the city has been my time for hexagon stitching this week.
I did the boring part of this little beauty today.
The reason for today's trip was to see the Sydney Quilt Show.
More in a minute.......

A tasty assortment of scrap hexies from Sunday's trip to the city.
DH and I went the Mitchell Library Centenary exhibition
One Hundred My first visit to the Mitchell was on the Saturday afternoon of our first day in Australia as migrants. No one told us everything would close at 12noon. The library was open, warm and had toasted cheese sandwiches. All welcoming to us 39 years ago.

The 2010 Quilt Show
A huge range of quilts. Styles ..Size..Techniques
I was captured by the scale of the Baltimore Style applique in this quilt from the featured Quilter Gai Haines .
The quilt was done in a class with Kim McLean.
I'm heading off to Quilt Camp at Ferndale early Friday morning for 3 days of stitching and the usual comraderie. No mobile phones No internet Just good friends , good food and I hope lots of stitching.
Full report early next week.
I wish for you all some time for stitching in the next few days. Terry
Here is another version of the quilt I'm smitten with. Different colors and style. Something to think about.