Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Secret Sewing

I am quietly stitching  But can only show peeks as it's the secret sewing done at this time of year. You guessed it presents and surprises to soon be posted as tokens of friendship.

 The small gifts you make sometimes last a long time. Here's one I can share.

I made a small calico bag with a shoelace cord for DH about 35 years ago. It was modeled after the marble bags I made my brothers when I was young (at least a half century ago). 

The red shape on the yellow square is a visual pun. It is worn as evidenced by worn holes on the tag and bag. I just love that my Dear One still uses it for his golf tees. A very small bit of Christmas stitching still in use is a thank you all the time. 

  No wonder I like this time of year and gifts from the heart. 

Sending you all warm wishes as I return to secret stitching.  Terry


Jane said...

I've got things my mum saved that we made her as children. Handmade gifts are always that little bit extra special

kaiteM said...

secret stitching, a fabulous idea. made from the heart.

Rachaeldaisy said...

It's so lovely to see the calico bag you made years ago still in use. The red shape on the tag makes me curious. Your secret sewing snippets look wonderful!

Vireya said...

I need to get into a bit of secret stitching myself! I can't believe we're past the middle of November already.

Nat Palaskas said...

Another secret projects you cooking up - Hugs Nat