Friday, February 24, 2012

Fiber Archaeology



 sorting cupboards and found some long lost treasure


Two skeins of hand spun still in the grease with a couple small balls of singles waiting to be plied. The spool is also full and ready to skein.

Evening has found me just sitting !!
                                        maybe some mindless knitting will calm the chaos. 
 I'm thinking a shawl ?

 I'm sure there's some more hand spun somewhere.

All of you enjoy your weekend. We are having lunch on Sunday with 5 of the Birthday people so far in 2012. The missing one is attending a friends wedding.   Terry


Jane said...

Moving is hard work, but it's fun seeing what you can find.
Have a great weekend

kaiteM said...

some quiet knitting will help you to rest and recover. i like the colour of the single still on the spool, a good brown.

Nat Palaskas said...

You would find more treasures on this move. I love moving so I can have a tidy sewing room once in a while. Enjoy Sunday lunch - Happy Birthday (am I late?) Hugs Nat

Rachaeldaisy said...

Happy Birthday Lunch Day!!!! It's great to be rewarded for your tidying with little treasures like that!! I wonder what you'll make with it?

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Lots of treasure to be found when moving...are you going locally? Enjoy all those birthday lunches!!!