Thursday, March 2, 2017

Progress Report #2

Being the second progress report of 2017 I am happy to say that just by chance there are two unfinished bundles of blocks assembled and ready to tie.  Yup you read correctly  I am going to finish this little project in the way all my early quilts were completed.

Forget the debate about "is it a quilt if it isn't quilted?". All the quilts I'd seen until I was 20 something were tied. They were used loved washed and mended. What more could I want?

First up.

The low volume large size crazy blocks were made in 2011.  The inspiration was from Victoria Findlay Wolf who at that time was doing lots of creative stuff with what she dubbed " made fabric."  I must say the process way a great way to use up scraps and a non stress process. I enjoyed the exploration but never quite made a low volume quilt.

Until now these 12" blocks are perfect for a 2 sided quilt.

Second up

The flip side is more like the front and it ticks two boxes on the quilting list.

I have been able to incorporate lots of orphan blocks (some mine like the 3 at the top) . The remainde were from unknown sources, remainders from a friends clear out and the bottom row are blocks I stitched from gifted miss cut parts. 

The lay out is another popular way to construct a sampler quilt. The format proved a touch of working out a puzzle to another batch of blocks. 

Now to start tying the quilt. 


Vireya said...

The two sets of blocks will work well together. Great way to deal with two unfinished projects and end up with one finished one!

Crystal Digitizing said...

nice work digitizing companies amazing desigsn %%!